Monday, Oct 22. Pleasant flight in a fairly new, very empty 787 Dreamliner. Yoriko asked me to go sit somewhere else so she could stretch out across three seats. What’s a loving husband to do? I counted up the number of times I flew this year and the total is 26. Not bad for a retiree.
Amsterdam Airport is very pretty. Efficient exit. Met Rick and Mary under the “Meet Here” sign. Taxi into the city was in a Tesla SUV. Gull wing doors. Cool. Entertaining driver. (Everyone we’ve interacted with today has had excellent English.)
AirBnb is fine, except the rooms are on the second floor, in a country where the first floor is one floor above the street. So we climbed two floors of extremely narrow, curving steps. Ouch. Nice place, great view of a canal.
Walked through a market. Cherry topped waffle for a snack. A liquor store with Douglas Laing (my middle name) scotch. Bought a bottle. Dinner at an Irish pub. Fairly large super market to buy water, wine and snacks. Sore ankles.
Viking sent the inevitable email about travel changes. Hotel Friday. Bus ride to Mainz with a Cologne City Tour in the middle. More to follow. It’s worse than I’d expected, but the good news is we’ll apparently visit the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz, which has me excited.