NOTE: Pictures are in no specific order. Still learning.
Began three hours early to avoid rain. Failed to avoid driving through clouds, but not too bad. Had apple pie in Julian. All journeys should begin with apple pie. Then rainbow in mirror! Strong winds. Became hot. Met an old cyclist pedaling to Florida: caused me to reflect that there are degrees of insanity. North Algodones Dunes Wilderness, Museum of History in Granite in Felicity, Yuma Territorial Penitentiary tour. Then STRONG WINDS. Gale force, with blowing sand. Erected tent on concrete walkway on the leeward side of the campsite’s showers. Sand is in everything. I mentally prepared for cold (layers of warmth) and rain (hotel). Didn’t think of wind and sand.

Yuma Territorial Prison. The Yuma High School team name is “Criminals”. (1914)

A piece of the original spiral staircase of the Eiffel Tower

The more things change. . .