Wednesday, 02/20: Isle de Sol, “Island of the Sun”. Location of some of the earliest relics of Incan civilization. Long boat ride with exhaust fumes saturating the cabin. Rough seas. Not pleasant. But once we landed the weather cleared up considerably and my concerns shifted entirely to climbing about 1,000 feet to the view point, somewhat above 13,000 feet. Incan ruin was basic. The distant mountains were almost clear, certainly majestic. Donkeys, my first llamas (such a stink!), plus youth hostels dotting the hillside. Souvenir vendors everywhere. It was a plesant walk if I forget the huffing and puffing.
Another short boat ride to lunch. Traditional meal, brought to the table in a scarf. Massive corn on the cob, boneless chicken, trout, fried veggies, potatoes, cheese, etc. Excellent food with a great view. Pulled out my balloons for the kids.
Return ride was less smelly. Toured the Basilica of Our Lady of Copacabana, the patron saint of Bolivia. The statue, decked out in jewels, has been to victim of burglaries throughout time. This town is the original Casablanca (“View of the Lake”), despite anything Brazil might say. The town market was mostly closed, but there was the popcorn vendor, selling massive popcorn. Very large young foreign tourist population.
Adobe bricks This water flows under the lake from glaciers! Navy base. Golfball sized popcorn. View from my room.