Friday, 3/15. Another lazy day. A bit better than yesterday. Found a great Italian restaurant for lunch. Enjoyed watching people. No museums.
This trip has been 28 days long. For 22 of those days I’ve been well above a mile high. Many days two miles high. I’m not doing this again. Next week I’ll need to learn how to breath just through my nose again.
Highlights were unsurprisingly Machu Picchu and the Galapagos. The Bolivian Salt Flats were fantastic. Why they aren’t promoted more is a mystery. Ecuador easily wins the Best Nation Award. The cable cars in La Paz puts that city over the top for Best City.
Next trip begins April 27th. Spain and Portugal with Yoriko, then Egypt by myself.
Roof Art.
Main street has performers. I don’t know what Snow White’s performance was.
Thursday, 3.14. (Pi Day.) A city can have low crime because there’s a general lack of criminals, or because there’s an overabundance of police to discourage crime. Bogota fits the second criteria. There are police (or private security personnel) everywhere. The federal buildings were especially protected. The Irish bar (decorated to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day) had a security guard. Police dogs are popular. Sad to say, I can’t recommend the city for tourism.
Lots of Dunkin Donuts.
Lots of pastries in general. Dozens of tiny eateries.
Dirty city. Cars/trucks/buses have outdated exhaust systems.
Shoe shining is big here. Very big.
Most people walk around as though it’s 40 degrees vice the high 60s. Coats, scarves, etc.
Very steep funicular to the top of a mountain peak. 3,200 meters high. Warnings about altitude. For me it’s not a problem (now). View wasn’t the best (overcast).
Lots of museums, though I didn’t visit any of them. Maybe tomorrow. Today I just enjoyed strolling around on my own without a guide or companions.
I can’t figure out why Simon Bolivar has a red mask on.
The Capitol building. The Presidential Mansion behind it is unworthy of a photo. Heavily guarded, no loitering.
Legal graffiti is everywhere, though many are overlaid with illegal graffiti.
Wednesday, 3/13. No photos. Wait 2.5 hours to board the very hot plane. Wait 45 minutes until Captain has us disembark the hot and apparently broken plane. Wait 2.5 hours for a replacement plane. Get off the ground. First landing attempt in Bogota is aborted. Then wait for an open gate. Driver, confused by flight change, is delayed picking me up. Lastly, driver can’t find the hotel! Arrive 6 PM vice 1:30. Immediately go to bed to get an unhurried full night’s rest without a morning wakeup call. But Bogota is the third highest capital in the world (8,700 feet), so the now-routine cycle of sleep/breathless awakening resumes. So I rise to write this post.
Forgettable day. (Hotel is very old, with high ceilings and creaky wooden floors. Reminds me of my childhood bedroom, built in 1871. Some would despair, but it feels right to me.)
Sunday-Tuesday, 3/10-12. Lots of photos. Three nights is just about right for a visit. Tour guide admits that after much longer tourists grow tired of blue footed boobies and lazy sea lions. Great experience. Unforgettably closeness of the animals. You were able to literally touch most of the species, though our group conformed to park rules and stayed six feet away.
Snorkeling was fun, but there was a sameness to each dive. Fish tank swimming. Saw one shark. Others saw penguins underwater, a sight I wished I’d seen. Water was perfect temp for me.
Tour guide certainly knew his stuff. Roberto was able to answer questions with extreme details. One strange anomaly was the absence of any signs. No warnings, very few directional aids. Since all visits require a guide, messing up the views with signs were unneeded. Improved the wilderness feel.
Bought some genuine moonshine rum which I hope to return home with.
The islands are much bigger than I expected. Distances were correspondingly greater too. The result was that we didn’t travel nearly as far afield as I expected. I would have liked to visit the famous mailbox.
Flew back to Quito, where the group broke up. Tomorrow I go alone to Bogota, Columbia. A good thing. I need some quiet time.
Zodiac ride to our boat. We did a lot of zodiac riding.
Our boat is on the right. A fairly unstable boat.
Sea lions were constant freeloaders when the zodiacs were tied to the stern.
Small penguins. Their chests are so bright they mess up the camera’s exposure setting.
A walk in the lava fields. This cactus was the only sign of life for acres around.
A long neck tortoise.
Male frigate birds trying to attract a mate. Despite their beauty, they are not nice birds.
Blue Footed Booby.
Mating dance of a booby.
Underwater photo of an urchin.
Flamingos in a volcano marsh. The rim of the cone has almost eroded to sea level, which will force the flamingos to relocate.
A crab divesting itself of its shell. The suds lubricate the extraction.
Friday, 3/8. Uneventful flights. Landed at a tiny island which was occupied and used by the US Army as an airfield during WWII to protect the approaches to the Panama Canal. Ecuador politely asked the Army to get out in 1949. As is typical, the Army left it an environmental mess. Fortunately, they didn’t touch any other island.
Ferried across to Santa Cruz Island. Visited a farmer who makes more money offering access to land tortoises than cattle raising. Great time watching some tortoises actually move. Walked through a volcanic tunnel.
Hotel for lunch. Sea lions, iguanas, crabs, pelicans, etc. were part of the [very closeup] view. Fearless animals. Very nice little small town. Daily pickup volley ball games. Lots of shops. Cheap drinks. Very hot and humid (duh).
We board ship tomorrow. No wifi for three nights. Bye.
Drive across the island. 97% of the Galapagos is National Park.
Roberto. Born on the islands.
Just fooling around.
They do swim!
Main Street.
Made of cigarette butts. Anti-smoking/littering campaign.
Thursday, 3/7. Simple day. Attended a concert in a school for autistic children. Included singing and dancing performances. Inspiring.
Stood on the Equator, though there remains some suspicion that I didn’t. The French marked a spot in 1736 that was proven 240 meters too far south. The privately owned touristy museum we visited has a line they say is GPS proven, though Wikipedia has unspecified criticism. Google Earth indicates we were 130 meters too far south.
Museum of Ancient Ecuador. The building was an echo chamber, so I could hear very little from the tour guide.
Not much else today. We leave at 4:45 tomorrow AM for the airport to the Galapagos Islands. One night in a hotel on the main island (with wifi I’m told). Then three nights on board a 16 passenger ship. No wifi.
Concert with autistic children (and a few of their teachers).
South America’s version of the United Nations. Just completed for $50 million. Last month half the South American countries withdrew. Ouch.
A real shrunken head. About the size of a fist.
I don’t consider the silly act of standing on the Equator a Bucket List accomplishment. But here I am anyway. Or not.
Wednesday, 3/6. Excellent tour of Quito. Began in what was the cleanest, roomiest food market I’ve ever seen. Cheerful people. Hire a cart pusher to follow you around for $1. Huge variety of fruits and vegetables. One stall sold various forms of just potatoes. For a fee they’ll peel the potatoes for you. The fish section was very large, especially surprising since Quito is 4 hours from the ocean by truck.
There is a huge number of various law enforcement personnel everywhere, including a large contingent of “Tourism Protection”. Far more police presence than in Peru or Bolivia.
City square had three sides with pretty historic buildings and one side of ugly city hall. The entire area is a UNESCO Heritage Site, but unfortunately the city hall was built before the designation. The Catholic building is now mostly shops; Ecuador became secular a few decades ago, so the religion lost a lot of revenue and was forced to turn commercial. The square was full of [older] people discussing the state of the country. Some were louder than others.
Next was the old section of the city, cleaned up recently and now a hot spot for weekend socializing. The style is largely French, intended to be an intentional snub at their vanquished Spanish overlords. The group interviewed a prostitute, whose profession was recently ruled legal based on a rigid interpretation of the constitution (the right to work).
Lunch was at an oversight restaurant. The view was good enough to skip the cable car ride up to an even higher oversight. Great food.
Afternoon was free. Visited some very artsy shops with high quality statues, jewelry, and wall art. Watched some more football. Lasagna at a small eatery with the Trip Leader, who is actually living on the Galapagos. (Our tour today was conducted by a native of Quito.) Learned a lot more about the islands.
A good day of lightweight touring. This is partially intentional to let everyone rest up before the Galapagos, where we’ve been warned that the pace will pick up.
The largest church in town. Instead of fearful gargoyles, representations of local animals.
The “mayor” to the market. Juices include cures for hangovers.
Fish salesman with a 21 lb. tuna. This is not his only job.
The fish salesman teaching us a few dance steps. His night job.
Banana chips.
A senior citizen protesting the treatment of retired military. Vocally.
What used to be the courtyard of the Catholic city offices. Tough times for a newly secular religion.
Law Enforcement. Gave them all a printed photo. Tour guide calls it a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free photo.
Discussions with a prostitute. Now protected by police rather than chased away.
Tuesday, 3/5. No photos. Uneventful flight via Lima.
They use dollars for currency following a financial panic in 1999. Limits the ability of questionable leadership to mess with the country’s economy. I’ve gotten Susan B. Anthony coins as change and they’re old coins! I’d never seen a worn-out $1 coin. They don’t look very fancy when dulled.
Highways are incredible. Like being in the States. Quito’s streets appear to be all one-way, making street crossing easier. Ecuador appears (with only a few hours of experience) to be head and shoulders more advanced than Bolivia and Peru. Our Trip Leader, Roberto, mentioned that Ecuador has a large number of USA transplants. The roads alone give credibility to that assertion.
The evening briefing devolved into a mostly Q&A for our Galapagos journey three days hence. I fear the same Q&As will repeated for the next two.
Monday, 3/4. Cusco was the site of the capital of the Incas. A great deal of the city was destroyed by the Spanish, but what remains is impression. Estimates are that they removed up to 200 tons of gold which had been decorating the city. The remaining rocks are stunning. Massive rocks, moved a mile or more to their defensive positions. Some of their stone walls were covered up by Spanish architecture only to have it all revealed during an earthquake in 1950. The Spanish works were destroyed, the original Inca structures were hardly impacted.
Alpacas were present in the ruins. Fearless and very active. They liked to roll in the dirt. Cute.
I passed on visiting the museums during our free afternoon. Settled in a balcony seat watching the central park. Enjoyed life go by. Rain emptied the park, but it was still entertaining.
We had a farewell dinner for Peru. The group is much more sociable now and we’re all looking forward to Ecuador. Tomorrow is a travel day.
Pictures don’t do the size justice. The seams are flawless.
Three rooms connected by trapezoidal windows. Perfect alignment.
The walls were built with frequent right angle corners to improve defense.
Sunday, 3/3. Train return from Machu Picchu. Clear skies. Beautiful view of towering mountains and a very angry river.
First stop was to Ollantaytambo, a ground level Incan establishment. At least it begins at ground level. There is climbing involved. Incas really liked steep steps. Trip Leader: “Nose to toes, huff and puff”. Indeed. Massive stones moved many miles to get to the spot. Incredible attention to detailed alignment of pieces. What makes the location extra special is that it was still under construction when the Spanish arrived and the building ceased, so a lot of the building techniques can be discerned. Extraordinary building techniques. Their grain storage was in buildings across the valley high up on the hill, so the grain dried faster. Incas were climbing fools.
Next was a fabulously diverse lunch buffet. I had alpaca stew; delicious. I’ve now had guinea pig, llama, and alpaca.
Today was a special celebration day of unspecified significance. But one ritual is splashing anyone and everyone with water. Twice we had to close the bus windows. Another ritual was dancing around a tree festooned with household goods. Today we saw the dancing, and the chopping of the tree. If your chop brings down the tree, you’re obligated to arrange next year’s celebration. Consequently, the chopping was tentative at best.
Lastly was another (!) weaving demonstration. If there is a country without a weaving legacy, let me know and I’ll visit. This demo was actually better than most, but I’m still tired of them.
The hotel in Cusco is very nice. I had dinner on my own of mac and cheese, which was supposed to be spicy. I suspect they saw who I was and left out the spice. Bland. Sent out laundry again. $9. Incredible.
The train. Cramped, but comfortable.
View from the train.
An unusual helmet for a motorcycle cop.
Ollantaytambo. Say that three times. Incomplete. Incredible anyway.
Granary on the opposite hill.
Stick your head in the open space, say ooooohm.
Massive blocks for the hilltop sun temple.
Townsfolk waiting to splash the unsuspecting.
Washed my hand afterwards. Printed the photo for the girl. I will live forever in Peru.