Monday, 29 August
I kept stopping along the shores of Lake Michigan. The view wasn’t sensational, but it was compelling. Found a Snowmobile Museum. Interesting. The 60’s were certainly the decade for their growth. Before then it was mostly a cottage industry.
The Mackinac Bridge is still there. Family went over it in 1965(?). My memory is that we camped in a park right along the onramp, which is today comprised of museums and shops. A lot of fudge shops. A lot. Over the top. It’s a large tourist area. The Bridge museum is above a pizza restaurant. Interestingly, when it opened in 1957 the toll charge was $3.25 for cars, $1.50 for motorcycles. Today it’s $4 for either. Doesn’t seem fair. The left lane is steel decked, scary for two wheels. Apparently, on Labor Day they let people walk across it. I don’t know if they still offer it, but in the past scared drivers could call in advance and have someone drive their car over. No charge.
I was going to continue driving along the coastline but I had spent too much time on the north side. Just took the 75 south to Saginaw. Hot and busy. I wanted to stay in Flint to show support, but their hotels were too much $$$. Considering the water situation, that was surprising. Maybe all the government inspectors are driving up prices.
Ate a Michigan Pasty (meat pie). Ugh. Bland. Probably should try another before passing judgement.
(Oh. A few days ago in Minnesota I passed Welcome, MN. They did indeed have a sign: “Welcome to WELCOME”. Gotta love it.)

I checked the records. There are several towns in the USA and Canada that claim to be Paul Bunyan’s home town.

Looks like the Midas Muffler man, modified.

Notice the sign, went in. We had snowmobiles in my youth. I described one and the curator immediately knew all about the model’s history.

Hundreds of different models. Dozens on makers. I had no idea. The was even a converted Model T Ford!

A Harley Davidson snowmobile. I bet it was loud.

I have doubts that this thing worked.

Mackinac Bridge. It is still one of the longest suspension bridges in the world.