The Titan Missile Museum south of Tucson was fantastic, sad and somewhat scary. The simulated launch made you think. I highly recommend the tour. There’s a Minuteman museum in Wall, SD that I now need to visit.
The Tumacacori Mission a little further south had a lot of unique history that made it better than I expected. The church was interesting to me because I visited St. Peters just last December. Entirely different, but somewhat similar.
I was running late, so I skipped my next stop. Honda’s NAV is stupid. I deleted the one waypoint and it then kindly directed me back to the route’s beginning! I had to delete all previous waypoints.
Drove through Patagonia. What a great name! I stopped at Kief-Joshua Vineyards in Elgin (at random). Along with a bunch of dogs, they have a very bored looking wallaby shuffling around the tasting room! Weird. Wine was good. They had an 80% syrah/20% viognier! Very unusual.
Tombstone. Ugh. Like Niagara Falls without the Falls. 98% tourist trap. I was lucky to find the 2% history: The Tombstone Epitaph Newspaper Museum. The rest was stupid touristy. Go with kids, or don’t go.
Bisbee was on the way but not on my stop list. My bad. The drive through was a wonderful experience. I did in fact stop for a few minutes, regretting my time at Tombstone. It’s an old copper mine and mining community. The open pit mine is huge!
Douglas, AZ was just a town I’ve always wanted to get to. (Same with upcoming Austin, TX). Turns out I visited the place twice, because 15 miles out I remembered that I needed to buy gas there. I returned. Lucky I did, because the next day I found nothing for miles and miles. I found the campsite just at dusk. I saw my first javelina. Ugly.
Overall, the roads were dull. The stops made the ride. Rodeo, AZ, with such a nice name, is a dead town, as were many other spots along the way. Lots and lots of Border Patrol.

The Control Room. 1960’s technology.

The entire control room is mounted on springs to be “nuclear earthquake” proof.

The launch codes.

Our treaty with Russia requires that the hatch stay half-open

The Titan II put Gemini astronauts into orbit.

The bell tower isn’t damaged. It just wasn’t finished.

Signs, signs, signs.

Patagonia. I just like to say Patagonia.

A wallaby in a winery. Musical.

A vineyard in AZ. Not quite what one expects.

Sanitation Car. A port-a-potty on wheels.

Bisbee. The stock exchange is in a brewery.

850 feet deep.

Near this spot the indian wars ended with Geronimo’s surrender in 1886.