Monday, 5 September.
The drive from Millersburg to Watkins Glen was mostly uneventful. Elmira has an old park, was well known 120 years ago, that the city is reviving. Nice effort to date. The merry-go-round is reputably the fastest one in the world, though there is no proof. It does go ’round very rapidly. It’s one of a number of carousels that has the ring grabbing device, which is where the phrase “to grab the brass ring” gets its origins.
In Danbury, PA I got my closest near-death experience of the entire year. As a pedestrian, in a legal crosswalk, with the “Walk” sign on. Driver turning left not only nearly hit me, but took umbrage at my impeding his movement. “I’m driving here!” he yelled.
Watkins Glen had an Indycar race on Sunday. The town is all about race cars. nice paintings and a walking history lesson along the street, which has its own Walk of Fame for racers worldwide.
I got a campsite and then toured most of the gorge cut out of the hillside by Glen Creek. It’s a really impressive sight with various walkways either right along the creek above it. The are stone bridges and tunnels cut in to the walls. It’s really quite a view. Of course, being Labor Day, it was pretty crowded. I’ll do more of it tomorrow.
I walked two miles from the campsite into town to do some wine tasting, only to learn that the only one in town is closed Mondays. Even Labor Day. Very disappointed.

I’ve mostly included this to show the background. I went from clear view to deep fog and back for about an hour.

Not much of a claim to fame. But you promote what you can.

I include the car. It sounded just like you’d expect.

Who knew?

Pretty, but none of the horses are originals. The rebuilders searched the country for used ones.