Rainy Nature Hike, Zip Line, Power Outage

Saturday, Feb 22. Against my better judgement I went on a nature hike while rain threatened. To be fair, the choice was hike or sit in the bus for two hours. I’ve hiked in the rain before and know what it’s like. As usual the rain began to really come down at the furthest point. Nothing to see, nothing I really wanted to see. A companion (not the brightest bulb in the box) found a run-over (dead) coral snake and picked it up to show everyone, which got a stern lecture from the Trip Leader about the dangers of touching deadly dead things. In all, a bad morning.

After lunch half of us went on Zip lines. Nine lines. It was a little different than the one I did in Guatemala. Also, the thrill appears to be gone. But it was done under heavy clouds without much of a view. One woman realized on the first line that she was terrified. Literally shaking. Had to be helped down the rest of the lines. It was alarming how panicked she was.

Minutes after we finished, the clouds opened up. The hotel, for reasons beyond understand, has no canopies covered the walkways. Crazy. Shortly after we arrived, the power went out. Not only for the hotel but for the entire town. We raided the gift shop for snacks. Power came back at about eight.

No photos to speak of.

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