Rain in the Rain Forest

Thursday, Feb 20. A nature hike was scheduled for the morning. I’d been following the weather and knew that rain was headed our way. I was therefore on the fence about going right up until the bus departed. The walk included an 850 foot suspension bridge, which sounded exciting to maybe hike in the rain. So I got on the bus, but then hopped off when it indeed began to rain. Took a nap. When I woke up the rain had stopped and the clouds had thinned a little. I was able to get some so-so photos of hummingbirds. The grouped returned, saying they had seen no animals in heavy rain.

During lunch it rained buckets. Intense.

We departed after lunch for our next hotel/resort. Saw a sloth along the way, maneuvering the bus into various positions to get a good look. It moved!

The new resort, which has seen better days but is still adequate, has seven pools, some containing hot mineral water. It’s built on a hill without elevators, which is a problem for some people. We’re at the top, the restaurant is at the bottom. I got the feeling that it’s not a tourist resort. More for Costa Rican locals. (We’ve learned that our route doesn’t touch the really popular spots for foreigners. Fine with me.)

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