Wednesday, February 19. Things are looking up. In the morning seven of us rafted down the Rio Sarapiqui. Some of the rapids were great fun. It’s rated grade 2/3, probably closer to 2 than 3. There were short cascades, followed by calm stretches. I’ve never done rapids that lasted more than a few seconds. These rafts had foot holds (Stirrups) that really helped stability. Lots of wildlife to see. Shame that I couldn’t bring my camera.
The afternoon included an optional tour of a pineapple plantation. I passed. Spent the day searching for birds. A caretaker pointed me to one fantastically beautiful bird, but other than that I had to just sit at the bird viewing bench where they put out food for the birds. Seemed a little like cheating. It’s still too dark for my camera, which is only substandard for it’s poor low light capability. I need sunshine.
Rained like I was in a tropical forest in the early evening. Wonderful sound.

As usual, loved the photos. I never saw a flower like that coiled one. Thanks.