Rafting and Birds

Wednesday, February 19. Things are looking up. In the morning seven of us rafted down the Rio Sarapiqui. Some of the rapids were great fun. It’s rated grade 2/3, probably closer to 2 than 3. There were short cascades, followed by calm stretches. I’ve never done rapids that lasted more than a few seconds. These rafts had foot holds (Stirrups) that really helped stability. Lots of wildlife to see. Shame that I couldn’t bring my camera.

The afternoon included an optional tour of a pineapple plantation. I passed. Spent the day searching for birds. A caretaker pointed me to one fantastically beautiful bird, but other than that I had to just sit at the bird viewing bench where they put out food for the birds. Seemed a little like cheating. It’s still too dark for my camera, which is only substandard for it’s poor low light capability. I need sunshine.

Rained like I was in a tropical forest in the early evening. Wonderful sound.

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