Saturday, 11/9. Our first Viking tour on this trip. The main point of interest is the 1990 government building, billed as the second largest administrative building in the world (behind the Pentagon). It is truly impressive. There are popular rumors regarding the subterranean floors. Supposed to be seven, may be many more. It’s strange that after 30+ years of democracy, it still holds secrets. Odd statistic: It’s the heaviest building in the world. 1,200 rooms. Designed by an architectural contest winner, a 29 year-old woman.
In spite of communism’s efforts to tear down the older, historical parts of the city, there are still lots to see. Extremely eclectic architecture. There was certainly no master plan. A lot of renovation is going on.
A massive orthodox church is being built next to the hotel. When completed (“very soon now”), it’ll be the largest orthodox church in the world.
Had a fine lunch outdoors (space heaters). Not that cold. Ribs. Dinner was just desert. Massive, rich chocolate cake and cheesecake. We each ate maybe a third.