Saturday, 11/16. Nice city. The sun came out, then a dense fog rolled in. But I finally got a photo I like.
The fact is that I’m not having an exciting time on this cruise. It’s certainly educational, but otherwise not entertaining.

Saturday, 11/16. Nice city. The sun came out, then a dense fog rolled in. But I finally got a photo I like.
The fact is that I’m not having an exciting time on this cruise. It’s certainly educational, but otherwise not entertaining.
Friday, 11/15. Dark and cold. No photos. Huge fortress, Modern shopping center, Temple of Saint Sava.
Thursday, 11/14. Dark and dismal. Again.
Sailed through the most narrow portion of the lower Danube. Through two locks. Large face. Large Tito sign.
Stopped in Donji Milanovic. Interesting history. Moved three times due to Danube water levels, the last in 1970 when a dam was built. “Town of 100,000 roses.” There are roses, but nearly no people. There were signs in English, making a tour guide superfluous. The mammoth statue is unexplained.
Wednesday, 11/13. A walk along the Danube to a tenth century fortress. As a tourist site, it needs work. Limited explanations, in any language. Many playgrounds and other forms of children’s entertainment along the walkway.
The walk continued towards the town center. Passed a synagogue that was fully renovated by the town people, even though the city has very, very few jews. Then we passed an orthodox church and mosque. The city square was large but unremarkable.
After lunch we had an optional excursion to a home where the lady of the house demonstrated how to make Banista, a very fluffy pastry. Yoriko had a good time.
Not the most exciting of days.
Tuesday, 11/12. Rain, wind. Again. I slept for three hours after breakfast. After lunch we departed on a tour of the militarily significant Pleven, Bulgaria. We had an ordinary tour of the city center, followed by an extraordinary visit to the War Memorial. I’d read about the 1877 conflict before-hand (which impressed the guide), and the diorama was very accurate. Very much like the one in Gettysburg. It unsurprisingly focused on the victors, but I was able to add my knowledge to fill in the lapsed details.
Dinner was excellent. We participated in an evening of movie trivia, finishing out of the money but doing well anyway.
Monday, 11/11. Cold, windy. Not a good combination for photos. After a two hour drive we boarded a motorboat with cloudy plastic windows. We passed some wonderful photo ops with herons and egrets, but the plastic made photos impossible. One top cover was occasionally opened to let me take some photos, which were unsatisfying. However, the fellow passengers were great fun and in spite of my disappointment, it was all in all satisfying. Lunch was fish soup, followed by deep fried fish (Sturgeon). It was an expensive excursion that didn’t come close to my hopes, but fun anyway.
While we were gone the ship left the Black Sea. I was saddened to not experience just a little Black Sea sailing. We met the ship just as it left the canal and joined the Danube. Dinner was excellent. This is very much a party boat of old people. It’s difficult to write the blog with so many passengers in the lounge.
I mentioned that I’d bought the Drinks Package. Tonight I realized what’s the fun in having an all-you-can-drink package without a little experimentation. So I had Johnny Walker Blue Label and Coke. Not so good. But it was a hell of a ride.
Sunday, 11/10. Rain. Wind. The road to Constanta from Bucharest is incredibly straight and boringly regular. Speed limit (for cars) is 80MPH. Huge farmland.
The ship is docked at a commercial pier, sandwiched between a shipyard and naval base. Lunch was rather simple. The stateroom is somewhat smaller than I remember, but only one unpacking for hte next 14 days! Heaven.
Our city walkabout was fairly short and not riveting. But it was okay. Only rained a little. Intense wind, which actually moves the ship about.
Dinner was better than lunch. As usual, the menu is very flexible. Request for fries rather than polenta is accepted without hesitation. After realizing that the bar prices were substantially higher than expected, we bought the drinks package.
Saturday, 11/9. Our first Viking tour on this trip. The main point of interest is the 1990 government building, billed as the second largest administrative building in the world (behind the Pentagon). It is truly impressive. There are popular rumors regarding the subterranean floors. Supposed to be seven, may be many more. It’s strange that after 30+ years of democracy, it still holds secrets. Odd statistic: It’s the heaviest building in the world. 1,200 rooms. Designed by an architectural contest winner, a 29 year-old woman.
In spite of communism’s efforts to tear down the older, historical parts of the city, there are still lots to see. Extremely eclectic architecture. There was certainly no master plan. A lot of renovation is going on.
A massive orthodox church is being built next to the hotel. When completed (“very soon now”), it’ll be the largest orthodox church in the world.
Had a fine lunch outdoors (space heaters). Not that cold. Ribs. Dinner was just desert. Massive, rich chocolate cake and cheesecake. We each ate maybe a third.
Friday, 11/8. A long day trip north to the mountains of Transylvania. Heavy traffic to get out of the city, which does not have any highway connectors. They have a highway ring, but it’s too far out of the city to be helpful. Someone is expecting the city to grow a lot. After nearly 3 hours we reached Sinaia in the Prahova Valley. “Pearl of the Carpathians” due to the beauty of its natural setting and the elegance of its architecture. Very Alpine. Visited Peles Castle, former summer residence of the Romanian Royal Family. It’s much more like a palace. Incredible artwork and design. I could have spent all day admiring it’s interior. The exterior is fine too, but most of the building is being repaired, so there was a lot of scaffolding.
Next stop was “Dracula’s Castle”, so named only because it bears a striking resemblance to Bram Stoker’s description. The story is that readers of the book (or watchers of the earlier movies) stopped by and begged the owner for a tour. The owner saw dollar signs and began offering tours at a price. Bram Stoker, an Irishman, never visited Romania and never saw the castle. Prince Vlad “the Impaler” (surname Dracula) occasionally used the Castle. Perched atop a 200-foot-high rock, but very close to the town below. For the joy of foreign visitors it was decorated in Halloween-themed style. I asked Dan our guide if Romania celebrated Halloween. “No”. The Castle’s interesting setup was as the home of Princess Marie, the very popular British wife of Romania’s crown prince and granddaughter of Queen Victoria. I enjoyed the factual history more than the mythical one.
Last stop, Brasov. It’s a very old city with a wealth of very interesting architecture. Had a very late lunch in a past dungeon. Hungarian goulash. (Understandably, Romania’s most disliked country is Hungary.)
The drive back was far longer than we expected. Not enough roads, too many cars. Endured a 40+ minute slowdown for no apparent reason. Arrived back at 8:30.
Romanians have placed themselves in my rankings as the worst drivers in the world, mostly due to their unpredictability. They absolutely force other drivers to take preventative measures. Since I’ve noticed that everyone has one eye on their phones, this is scary.
Thursday, 11/7. Flew out on the day after elections. Some might see it as an escape from countrymen I don’t understand. But we’d booked it long ago.
Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria. On (or near) the Danube. Our flights were long and uncomfortable. As usual. Sometimes you have to do things you don’t like to do the things you do like.
An interesting Uber drive from the airport to hotel. Romanians drive like bad F1 racers. Wait too long for a gap, then accelerate until the gap closes. Horns! I don’t remember the last country that used horns so much.
Surprisingly, Romania is the sixth largest producer of wine in Europe. I’m going to experiment.
Hotel is top notch. Restaurant served traditional and most popular beef & pork sausage. Excellent.