Tuesday, October 31. Today we visited a very poor community of about 80. Overseas Adventure has been gifting them with needed items for several years, including water tanks and an improved school for their (presently) 17 students in grades one and two. An excellent presentation about the school. Adorable children.
We also observed various home businesses working at a loom and making baskets. Tasted their home-brewed rice wine and whiskey. Observed an odd musical instrument. Helped make lunch. Etc. Listened to a confusing description of village politics as it pertained to communist rule. Not sure how much propaganda was involved.
Upon returning to Luang Prabang, I went for a walk, eventually climbing the central hill to watch the sunset. About 400 steps. Quite a crowd at the top. So-so sunset.
Had dinner at L’Elephant in order to try water buffalo meat. I was prepared to be surprised at it’s taste and texture, but unfortunately, it was as tasteless and tough as one would expect. Fortunately, the experience only cost me $11.50.