Monday, October 23. Transfer day. Flew to Bangkok, then took a very uncomfortable bus ride to our camp on the River Khwae Noi (Kwai). We stopped for lunch at the famous Bridge, which in fact didn’t cross the River Kwai when it was built, but the river that the Kwai flows into. The author of the book got it wrong. But the movie was so successful (creating a tourism sensation) Thailand renamed the main river above the merge “Khwae Yai”. Most of the bridge is original, with only the part destroyed by bombing replaced. We were lucky enough to be on the bridge while a train passed. (They have platforms at intervals for pedestrians to escape to for such times.)
Interesting tidbit #1: Though “The Bridge Over The River Kwai” is immensely popular, the movie “The King and I” is and has always been banned in Thailand.
The rest of the way to the camp was bordered by Thai-focused tourist stops. I remarked again about the lack of trucks on the road and learned;
Interesting tidbit #2: Trucks are banned from roadways during daylight hours.
The camp is 100 steps up from the river. I know this because the natural pool is at the bottom. The refreshing feeling of being in the pool is cancelled out by the climb back up. Tent clamping. The individual toilet/shower room is solid. The tent has an AC unit. Thatched floor. Wifi, lights, fridge. But canvas walls. Dinner was outdoors with canned American music. Wide range of delicious-looking foods. (Until today I’d gone well off my weight management program, so I fasted most of the day to adjust.)

As usual, I love your blog