Tuesday, October 17. Booked a round of golf at a very exclusive course; Thai Country Club. “Tiger Played Here.” To sum up, I had an interesting day of happiness and pain.
Happiness: Beautiful clubhouse and restaurant. Gorgeous course. Far fewer golfers than I expected. Played alone with no one in front or behind. No rain. Mandatory caddie, who was required to drive the cart for insurance purposes. She also put down the tee and ball, raked the bunkers, replaced divots, cleaned the ball on greens, recommended clubs, “accidentally” relocated the ball at times, supplied me with water and towel, etc. All I had to do was hit the ball.
Pain: I couldn’t hit a ball properly to save my life. Finished the front nine with a score of [classified]. Not an excuse, but in other news It was very hot and humid. No real surprise, except for how it affected me. I drank a huge amount of water throughout, but around the ninth hole my normal back pain began to be an issue. On the tenth (where Tiger’s 356 yard drive reached the green in 1997) I began to see spots and felt dizziness. Worsened on the 11th. So I asked the caddie to just give me a nickel tour of the remaining holes.
Took a much needed shower, then relaxed in the restaurant to watch others finish on the 18th. It didn’t really look like anyone was having good day. Ordered gyoza and then spaghetti (thinking of you, Debbie). Three small margaritas helped cure all ills.
I spent too much time in the gift shop. But I can claim heat exhaustion for all my purchases.
Mark Twain described golf as a fine walk, spoiled. Twain should have rented a cart and caddie, because in spite of the pain I had a very memorable day.