Friday, October 13. Explored parts of Yokohama. Motomachi, where we briefly lived in 1983-4. It was an upscale area back then, and it hasn’t changed. Very nice shops, just one step down from Rodeo Drive quality. Very international.
Yokohama’s Chinatown, which was never much, but today it seemed shrunken. Masses of high school students for some reason. Glazed strawberries and grapes on a stick were popular.
Yamashita Park. Beautiful then, more so now. Statues, lawns, flowers, yoga, joggers, etc. The view is different due to extensive land reclamation. Very futuristic buildings and bridges. But the old ship museum is still there, giving me a memory anchor. At the northern end is a very new restaurant that has a pool to soak feet in. It also has a little kids’ play area. An unusual place.
Further north is the new, huge and incredibly beautiful cruise terminal. Grass on the roof.
Next was The Big Red Warehouse Buildings. Originally customs houses, now full of shops. In front was a large tent housing Yokohama’s 20th annual Oktoberfest! Full of people. At least twenty different breweries surrounded the drinking area with a raised stage in the center for the Bavarian band. I spent some time there, amazed with the crowd. Drank a bit.
Headed to the train station but detoured for short cable car ride (“Air Cabin”) that provided nice views of the city’s amusement park, maritime training ship, and tallest building.
19,000 steps under clear blue skies. A nice day.