Sunday, May 14. Fjord cruise. Beautiful day (another one of the sixty days of sunshine). The bay and fjord is much more populated than we expected. All the buildings are beautifully painted. It took over an hour to get to the mostly wilderness part of the fjord. As expected, many waterfalls. Steep cliffs. It was a fun cruise, but not incredible. Slept a little on the way back.
Had a late lunch at a popular sushi/fish restaurant. “Fish Me”. $$$. Good food.
Wandered through the souvenir shops. Had sparkling wine at an outdoor cafe. $$$. All the buildings were so very pretty. We were both stressed out over luggage, so neither had much interest in any in-depth museum touring.
Dinner was at one of the more famous restaurants. Bryggeloftet & Stuene. Superb filet of reindeer. Yoriko had lake trout. Service, setting and food was all terrific. $$$$. (Bergen is a very expensive city.)
Our hotel hosted passengers from the Viking Venus, so it was bedlam both days. Viking Jupiter also was in port (a day earlier than necessary). Seeing two Viking ships was an odd sight.