Thursday, Mar 23. Wandered through the city’s very extensive Garden. Immense grounds. A guide was available, but I choose not to follow him. I’d have had to concentrate on what he said without looking at the plants.
The city tour was vaguely interesting, but it was not unlike most other cities. There was a nice museum on the top floor of the city hall, but access was limited. Odd policy. Bought flowers for later. Many statues. Lunch was outdoors in a park. Fish and chips.
Dinner was at a local’s home. She was a “coloured” person, but clearly uninterested in sharing her life’s experiences. She very skillfully deflected questions towards mundane topics. Highly intelligent. Her 94 year-old mother sat in silence. After dinner I showed the mother various photos. Everyone had a grand time, but I felt that I’d learned nothing about being a coloured person in SA.