Wednesday, Mar 15. “A Day in the Life” event. Visit to a “typical” family. First we went to a market and, using OAT money, bought specific vegetables, without knowing what we were buying. Fortunately, we were given the item’s name in writing. I bought unusual pumpkins, beige on the outside, yellow on the inside. Next was a grocery store where we had the option of buying whatever we thought the family would like. I bought a huge (reusable) bucket of ginger cookies, neatly layered. $5.50.
Our guide was a member of the family’s village, wearing the traditional dress and carrying the traditional stick. The family’s head was married to three women. He was especially proud of the chapel he’d created. A large collection of family members wandered around whose relationships were too confusing for me. The men wore western cloths, the women beautiful dresses. A very cute little girl became my good friend after I made her a balloon hat.
I helped cut firewood and then tried to split wood. The hardest wood I’ve ever experienced. The axe just bounced off. But it was a fun effort. We all then spent an hour or more sitting in a round house having a vegetable meal. Lots of questions about family life. It was, as usual, uncomfortable at first but then great fun.
From there we visited a souvenir outlet, centered around a candle factory. I had a “death by chocolate” brownie and a beer with combined cost of less than $5. My charging cable failed, leaving me unable to charge my printer (which continues to be the star of any encounter). Trip Leader Sowa was able to find me a new one later in the day.
Bought two bottles of wine at a minimart that was 25% wine. I had one bottle at dinner. A $10 zin, which was a reasonable price. Ugh. Spent time at the bar meeting locals and having a good time. Drank Taiwanese whiskey, of all things.