Friday, Oct 28. Early departure to get to the balloon launch site, across the Preserve. Along the way, spotted a herd of cattle and its herdsman. Our pilot later explained that it’s illegal to bring cattle onto the Preserve, reason being that lions follow them out of the park, then townsfolk kill the lions. Ben, who today became very native, gave a slightly different version, essentially that yes, it might be wrong, but the land is the tribe’s.
Balloon pilot is a senior British fellow who arrived at ballooning via a serious accident while pursuing his hobby in paragliding. Voice was totally Michael Caine. We got our briefing (12 passengers) and away we went. Beautiful sunrise. There weren’t many animals, but enough to be satisfying. The vistas were unforgettable. See photos. We landed in the less preferable sideways position, but it was actually a lot of fun to be seated facing up, like an astronaut. Drove to a prepared site for breakfast and sparking wine. Discovered that my two companions in our corner of the basket were from San Diego! Too strange. Terrific experience.
On the way to join up with my OAT companions we encountered cheetah. Beautiful. We also learned that cheetahs do on the savanna what bears do in the woods. Next we spent time watching an elephant family. I could do that all day. Got up close to some giraffes.
After lunch and a siesta, we have a cultural briefing by Ben, who was fully clothed in traditional warrior garb. He described the disturbing (for me) traditions his tribe has for children transitioning into puberty. Etc. It was troubling that the discussion was all about continuing their traditions and nothing about the challenges facing his tribe (i.e., they are ranchers facing a permanent drought).
I was too tired for the evening viewing drive.