Tuesday, Oct 25. I spent most of the day in the room and tried to reset my body’s rhythm . Had a briefing about tomorrow. Walked a bit, snapping photos of plants and some kind of monkey, who mostly moved faster than my shutter speed. I tried to identify the species, but there are so many. Skipped lunch. Actually used the gym. Had an odd burger that I don’t need to have again. Tusker Beer, with an emblem of an elephant with large tusks.
As usual, though Kenya is a third world country, there are things we can learn. No plastic. Water bottles are glass. Glasses in the gym are glass. Trash cans have no plastic bag liner. Probably considered a bad thing, but smartphones haven’t become ubiquitous. Phones resemble small TV remotes in shape. Tech hasn’t completely taken over social interaction.
Tomorrow we fly off to Maasai Mara National Reserve. Glamping, but electricity is iffy. Wifi more iffy. We spend three nights there. Probably no updates until Sunday.