Sunday/Monday, Oct 23/24. Lyft to airport was an exciting 85mph early morning ride. Flights were fine. The two 8+ hour legs were alongside a vacant seat. KLM was interesting in that a gate sign said masks were mandatory and the on board announcement included a warning to only remove the mask during actual bites of food. But virtually no one worn masks, including none of the crew.
My lounge pass was useless, in that the lounges in Atlanta and Amsterdam were waitlisted, with no realistic chance to get in. I need to really reconsider renewing the fancy credit card that provides this useless lounge pass.
Amsterdam Airport is beautiful but also awful. We spent a half hour 20 feet from the gate while ground crew tried to move equipment. Huge empty spaces where it’s not needed, small crowded spaces where it is. Few restaurants. Very weird layout. I logged over a mile of walking without even trying. It’s got a museum! The flight was delayed departing the gate, which meant we missed our departure time slot. Had to wait 40 minutes for the next available slot. Amsterdam is added my growing list of airports to avoid.
Arrived in Nairobi almost on time. Customs was routine, except for the guy in front of me who hadn’t printed his e-visa. Five minutes to sort it out. The tour organization and Delta stressed the need to get a QR code before arrival. Never asked for. This overloading of unneeded requirements is getting to be too routine. Covid consequences will outlive me.
Got out of the terminal to find an Overseas Adventure Travels rep. But he was waiting for other people for a different itinerary. No sign of my guy. The rep was helpful in getting things worked out for me. Eventually the hotel’s driver appeared. They drive on the left here! As usual, lane lines, where visible, are recommendations. Silly waste of paint.
Very nice looking hotel. Very serious guard at gate, who did a walk around of the car. Guard at the door, sending everything through detector. Card needed to use elevator. Card needed to enter my wing of hotel. A gift bracelet on the bed, suggesting I order personalized versions to help pay for girls’ education.