Tuesday, September 6. Departure was a little hectic for the crew. Our bag (yes, singular), wasn’t brought from the cabin until the last minute. But it all worked out. The train was smooth and fast, nearly reaching 300kph. The Paris station was large and busy. We had some trouble finding the right subway.
The transfer via subway to the hotel could have gone better. No escalators was a shock. (It’s a heavy suitcase.) But we made it and the hotel let us check in early. Had a great late lunch at a nearby Italian restaurant. Walked a little. Yoriko found a store that specialized in all things infant. Had a drink at a cafe to watch Paris walk by.
We bought some fruit for a small evening meal and then turned in early.
Reflections on a curvy clear facade.What was interesting was how much difficulty the passangers had getting into the back seat. Poor choice of Rolls for four people.
Monday, September 5. Yesterday I wrote that the guide was a firecracker. Today’s guide was the opposite. Granted, she knew her history, but if I’d been on a bus, nothing after the first sentence would have been heard. Zzzz. Monotone voice.
First stop (sort of) was to the famous bridge that was the focus of a famous French children’s song “On the Bridge of Avignon”. I’d never heard it, but Yoriko had. The stop was too short to have any meaning. The photo I have was actually from a drive-by later in the day.
Next was the main focal point of interest. The French Pope’s “Vatican”. Described as the largest gothic building in the world, it was certainly impressive. Unfortunately, during the early 19th century the agnostic French turned it into a military barracks, whose soldiers destroyed or defamed many rooms in the building. Much of the tour involved imagining what it had looked like. Moreover, it seemed that the complex was not built in a consistent manner, which added some novelty to the whole. There was a disorganized feel to it all. But overall, it was very interesting.
Most of the remaining tour was lost to me. The guide was that boring. When free time was announced, we departed the group and wandered through some shopping areas, though many stores were closed (Monday). The famous(?) farmers’ market was also closed on Mondays. We had a very slow lunch (ribeye and a really nice looking grilled cheese sandwich). Visited the old city walls. Eventually, we joined our self-arranged (Viator) wine tour.
Long story short, visited three wineries, tasted 14 wines, bought a case to be shipped, saw some great views, and learned some things about making wine in France.
We returned to the ship too late to join our regular gang of Canadian, Welsh, and British misfits, but had a great dinner with four people we hadn’t met before. Saw our friends long enough to say goodbye. Packed. Tomorrow we head to Paris by Train.
Most of the span was destroyed in a storm. the remaining arches are danced upon.Pope’s Palace. Lots of oddly placed windows are a theme.Built out of living rock.One of several large halls.Attempts to repair damaged frescos. Sidewalk entertainmentCity walls. Much still exist.The Pope’s Palace in the distance.
Sunday, Sep 4. Tour of Arles (”Arl”) home of several Roman ruins, including one of the most complete [partially reconstructed] colosseums. Tour guide was a firecracker. (It’s an observation that French guides like to laugh at their own jokes, even when they’re not that funny. This guide’s jokes were funny.) Our tour was filled with asides about people passing by or drivers being impolite. It really made the city seem more real.
The colosseum was all one could expect. It’s still in use. The amphitheater was less interesting. As the home of Van Gogh for 18 months, the town was filled with references to the artist. The gift shops echoed this. If it had surface area, the item had some image of a Van Gogh painting.
Being Sunday, the chief cathedral had services so we couldn’t enter. But our guide went over (in detail) the meaning of the facade sculptures. With several amusing opinions. She especially liked that the images of people headed to Hell only showed men.
By lunchtime the ship had arrived in Arles and we had lunch. Afterwards, our optional tour was to a limestone cave quarry which presented an incredible show of ever-changing multiple images of Venice. The concept has now been reproduced worldwide, but apparently most of the shows originate in this quarry. I personally think watching the show inside a quarry mined a thousand years ago made it more impressive.
Next was a short tour of an old town at the top of a rocky cliff. Nice town, but we’d seen one before. Nice view, but the haze of a hot day spoiled the quality.
It was a hot day, which is how the entire week has gone. It’s beginning to get to me. Spending time with my pals at the bar helps me recover each evening.
I recognized this ruin as part of a scene from the movie Ronin.As with Rome, very impressive double wall.It was a Sunday. Service was about to begin and these kids were handing out programs.I just liked this photo.Van Gogh. The painting and the actual scene. Two different people stressed that the restaurant’s food is terrible.The quarry before the show begins.Here’s the mandatory photo of me on an adventure..From the village one can see this imposing rock face, plus the pool. A real contrast.One of the stranger storefronts.My Gang.Nuclear Power Plant at 1 AM.
Morning tour began with a bus ride to nearly the top of famous hill, where a tired old crusader lived as a hermit. Hence came Hermitage, one of the more famous wine areas along the Rhone River. Walked up to the little chapel near the top (just below an ugly microwave tower), then began descending through the vineyard. Our guide was very entertaining, sharing facts, stories and jokes. Though hot, a nice walk. A woman in a group ahead of us decided she wanted to beat her own path down (“I want to go THIS way!”) , but was called back. Americans, what are you gonna do? Ended at a winery. Had another briefing on how to taste wine. France serves one ounce pours, barely enough for a serious attempt to evaluate the wine. Three wines, two pieces of chocolate. A visit to a very large shop follow.
Next was a well-regarded and crowded chocolate shop. Enjoyed a leisurely walk back to the ship, including crossing a reproduction of the first cable suspension bridge. The original had to be demolished because it was too low. Nearby is a statue of the designer of the original (Marc Seguin). Guide claimed that during the demolition, the town blindfolded the statue so he couldn’t watch.
The afternoon was spent cruising down the river. Bikers on the accompanying trail went faster than the boat. Passed a nuke power plant. Several locks, none remotely as high as the ones in Portugal.
The boat’s scheduled evening docking at a quaint and entertaining town was scrubbed due to lock problems, Moreover, the morning tours in Arles was altered to begin with a bus ride to Arles from Avignon, while the boat caught up. Late at night I was up for a call of nature and glanced out the window. We were passing a four-stack nuke plant. I got a very nice photo. The secret to great photos is being there.
Our CaptainOur musician, who spends a lot of time as a DJ. The audience wants to dance to the Bee Gees.A fun Guy.The chapel.Looks like a tombstone, but is actually just a marker to identify who owns the vines.One of two surviving towers of twelve that defended the area.The statue was added in the 1800s for good luck.A bike trail exists from Switzerland to the med. Mostly along the rivers. They go faster than the ship.
Friday, September 2. Vienne’s claim to fame is that it’s where the Knights Templar was officially disbanded. We went on the city tour, involving an old church with new stained glass windows, very old Roman temple, other Roman ruins everywhere, Roman Amphitheater, and a tough walk to a scenic outlook just above the amphitheater. Nice little town. (It’s become apparent that France loves tattoos. Their studios are mainstream and well decorated.)
The tour group was hampered by a larger than expected number of participants. There were three groups, divided by how fast and how far people wanted to go (up). Clearly, our ship has some hardy soles. Our tour guide wasn’t aware that she’d lead the “active” group and wore sandals. Inconceivably, all three groups left the meeting point at the same time. Havoc crossing the street and at the first few stops.
The weather has, on each day, been far off the forecast. Today was clear skies. In the afternoon we cruised down the river, passing through several locks. The scenery is much flatter than a “valley” has a right to be. Vineyards are only on the western side.
Taken at 10:29. At 10:30, the lights went out! All at once.Note the bikes on the stern.Lots of the church’s facade had heads removed. Calvinist.Roman temple, then church, then library, then museum, now tourist stop.Excellent optical Illusion.Roman Amphitheater. Still is use during an annual jazz festival.Little playground while parents shop. Note the store where it’s located. !!!Planted trees on the river.First time I’ve EVER seen anyone actually playing shuffleboard on a ship.No machines can pick these grapes.Ships passing in the day.
Thursday, Sep 1. Visited a Beaujolais winery. Very nice drive with a briefing on the history of the grape. Echoed my own readings. Very pretty winery, with both a barrel room and cask room, connected by a claustrophobic tunnel. Why there was a tunnel wasn’t explained. Vineyard was odd in that there were bare spaces. Head trained vines. Where the vines weren’t producing, they were simply pulled out. Tasting was Virginia style, I.E. one ounce pours, vice California’s two (or more) ounce pours. White wine was good, one red wine was very good. Interestingly, the last Beaujolais tasted very much like a Pinot. (We were told several times about the good and bad regarding the history of marketing Beaujolais Nouveau.)
Visited the village from which Beaujolais got its name. Nothing special. Lunch on the ship listed many odd options. I went with old faithful cheeseburger. With pickles: ugh.
We spent the afternoon on a food walk around Lyon. Very good fun. (I decided to leave my camera behind. Pastry, Cheese, Chocolate, and beef.) Mostly good: the goat cheese was horrible to me. The chocolate was very interesting and different. While we were walking, the ship repositioned to Veinne. Slept during the drive.
Wednesday, Aug 31. Rather than join a group bus/walking tour of Lyon, we took off on our own, using Rick Steve’s Tour book. We saw many interesting sights, though I wouldn’t call any of them remarkable. I’ve become blasé I fear.
Ran into one VIking group after another, so we seemed to hit all their stops, though we missed the guide’s commentary. I’m sure we had several experiences they missed. Very hot. Sadly for Lyon, extremely hot weather has not been a common occurance, so the city is not air conditioned. It was remarkable that no window displayed an AC unit.
Lots of bicycles. Plus scooters. Transportation is cheap and easy. The waterfront had at least two workout stations, in use. Everyone looked very fit. Traffic was heavy, but amazingly orderly. No speeding, no horns, no screeching tires. As one would expect, small cars and smaller streets. One way is the norm.
Many pedestrian bridges. The church on the hill dominates.Because of the four steeples, it’s called the upside down elephant. Copy of the top of the Eiffel Tower.The church is privately funded. Well funded.These slides look fast and hot!Might be a nice sculpture, but there’s no way to get a photo without the awful background. Street band, complete with tuba. Right next to our ship.Passengers watching the street band.New and old don’t blend well.Famous painting.