Friday, Sep 2.
Friday, September 2. Vienne’s claim to fame is that it’s where the Knights Templar was officially disbanded. We went on the city tour, involving an old church with new stained glass windows, very old Roman temple, other Roman ruins everywhere, Roman Amphitheater, and a tough walk to a scenic outlook just above the amphitheater. Nice little town. (It’s become apparent that France loves tattoos. Their studios are mainstream and well decorated.)
The tour group was hampered by a larger than expected number of participants. There were three groups, divided by how fast and how far people wanted to go (up). Clearly, our ship has some hardy soles. Our tour guide wasn’t aware that she’d lead the “active” group and wore sandals. Inconceivably, all three groups left the meeting point at the same time. Havoc crossing the street and at the first few stops.
The weather has, on each day, been far off the forecast. Today was clear skies. In the afternoon we cruised down the river, passing through several locks. The scenery is much flatter than a “valley” has a right to be. Vineyards are only on the western side.