Sunday, July 10. Wow. That’s all there is to say. Boating among icebergs is so damn cool. The primary downside is that photos don’t convey the size of the ‘bergs.
In the afternoon we had a walk around the town, with great visits of an Inuit museum, storage room, and example of a winter house, which was made up of about 8 “beds” that were meant to hold 24 people. The surprising aspect is much of the traditions carried well into the 20th century. This wasn’t a 17th century style of life.
In the evening we watched a traditional drum dance. Interestingly, the dances aren’t religious or ceremonial, they’re just used to tell a story, past or present. The drum is a bit of misnomer. A stick strikes the drum’s frame to a certain rhythm. The skin of the drum is ideally made of polar bear stomach lining.
But the icebergs were the star of the day.

Nice day in Greenland, and terrific photos as usual. Did the icebergs calve off a glacier or where they part of the ice sheet that broke off?
Calved from glaciers, jusdging by their size and that they are freshwater. I tasted a piece.