Monday, July 4. Visited the varied terrain of the Lake Myvarn area. VIsited the “oven” of Hverabraud, or dark homemade bread. The baker uses a steam pit adjoining a hotspring. Delicious with a spoonful of butter. The entire area is a geothermal gold mine.
Then our olfactory senses were assailed by the stink of the Namafjall mud pools. Trully awful. It’s an alien environment suitable for the movies. Incredible sight.
Walked around the black castle lava formations of Dimmuborgir. Another alien vista.
Had lunch (cod again) next to the Skutustadir pseudocrater field, then did a short walk around a few of them. Scientists can’t quite explain how pseudocraters are formed. One of only two locations on earth where they appear. (They weren’t very photogenic, hense no photos.)
Godafoss “waterfall of the gods”, so named because a famous leader threw his pagan images into the falls after converting to Christianity. Very pretty, but a tourist trap. Charges for parking, expensive shop.
Had our Home Hosted Dinner. With a fun foursome. Lots of stories swapped.