Tuesday, June 28. This was a slow day. Met other travelers. A lot of teachers. We did a little walkabout, including the local graveyard, where Anna, the Trip Leader, talked about the unusual naming traditions. The church was having a funeral, when they lower the flag to half mast during services. Anna was surprised when I said that churches in the USA don’t have flagpoles. Headstones have lots of bird figurines. The grounds are very well cared for.
Anna is a fun person. True to what I learned from my reading, Icelanders don’t spend much time in salutations. Anna doesn’t say hello or goodbye much. I like it.
Had another cup of hot chocolate at the bookstore. Lunch was pulled pork over fries with BBQ sauce. Dinner was a buffet where I could have had whale, but didn’t. Lively conversations with others about past trips.
Bugs continue to be a bother. Our proximity to the river is a factor. Anna says they won’t be as bad in other locations, which is a relief. I’m having to take multiple photos in hopes of getting one without bugs hogging the shot. Photos were few today. I am including some from yesterday.