Sunday, 5/1. Athens again. May Day. Without an excursion, we decided to take the shuttle into the city and ride the HopOn-HopOff Bus, largely for the commentary. Big mistake. Because it’s May Day, there were demonstrations scheduled at various locations throughout the city, with some of the most consequential streets closed. The bus almost immediately had to take alternate routes, skipping several landmarks. The audio feature would be talking about places that we weren’t passing. After an hour of seeing just about nothing, we got off to walk through the shopping district on our way back to the shuttle bus. The Flea Market was as advertiwsed. Junk, just on the edge of being antiques. We stopped at a wine tasting shop and had an entertaining time tasting five Greek wines. Much better than I expected.
Spa Pool was great. Taught some of the first timers about activating the spa feature of the pool. Always fun to watch them realize it has jets.
Had Beef Wellington again. Should have had scallops and lobster. Decisions, decisions.
Overall, a slow, mildly disappointing day.

I think these photos are great. The real people’s Athens.