Friday, 4/22. Many Photos today.
Typically fantastic breakfast. Better than most. Massive number of pastries. Somehow the bacon was better than usual.
We were tested on time. The nurse did a brain swab. Pushed it in further than it’s ever been pushed. Painful. But negative! That’s all that matters.
Rain. Rain and wind. After walking to the boat dock, we bailed and returned to the hotel. We signed up for an afternoon glass factory group tour. I slept the sleep of the dead. We considered going to Second Breakfast, since it was open until 11.
By the time the tour began the rain had stopped, as did most of the wind. The tour was fine, though as expected we spent much more time in the showroom than in the factory. I could have watched them make glass all day. The way they throw around molten glass was very impressive. Interesting, a Russian gas embargo is projected to have a very large impact on glass making. Already, 120% increases in gas prices. (Gas is used to fire the burners.) All the glass was beautiful and priced that way. We bought a wine stopper. I was stonrgly tempt to buy something very pretty, but unneeded. A fine tour. Fun boat ride too. We were dropped off at San Marcos piers to continue our walk around Venice.
I could truly walk the alleys of Venice and eat nothing, enter nothing, buy nothing and have a great time. Though I was mostly walking somewhere specific (Google Maps is my friend), I tried to keep off the main paths. The canals were as advertised. I learned that to get from one location to another required that one pay attention to where the bridges were.
Quick observations:
- No bikes! Nothing with wheels. Heaven.
- Looking up was frequently rewarded with an interesting view. Statues are a common thing.
- More smokers than expected.
- No beggars.
- No stray cats.
- All dogs are well mannered and well groomed.
Yoriko had Sardines, Venetian style, I had spaghetti at Baci & Pasta. We had outstanding pastries at Bar Pasticceria Ballarin. We had excellent pizza at a hole in the wall place.
Visited the Liberia Acqua Alta Book Store. Indescribable. Must be seen to be believed. Climb a staircase on books, among other things.
Tried some night photography with good results.

Those beer boots look like they’d fit Keni!
We said the same thing!