Thursday, 4/21. 50ish year-old put his legs on the back of my seatback to rest. Kept shaking my seat. I finally turned back to him, explained what he was doing to me. He didn’t care, but fortunately his wife did. It stopped.
For reasons I’ve communicated to CruiseCritic readers, Viking and Marriott provided just awful services. I’m extremely angry with them both. For example, I’ve had free wifi at a camping site in the Yukon Terrritory. Marriott wants 25 Euro per day unless I join their club. And we’re paying approximately $600 per day!
The Marriott is a 20 minute water taxi to Venice. After checkin, we climbed aboard to get an early start. The touristy part of Venice was similar to Shibuya’s rush hour crosswalks. I navigated us to less crowded areas and we began to enjoy it. A carnival mask making shop was very nice. Tried to stop at a wine testing place that was sadly too popular. (Yogi Bera’s excellent comment rang through my head the whole time: “No one goes there anymore; it’s too crowded.”)
Found a promising small restaurant. Marvelous scallops in potato sauce, bruschetta, and three whole fishes, including a tuna not much larger than a large sardine. Not my thing, but I didn’t expect it to be. Yoriko enjoyed it.
Today was just a taste. We’ve in the city all day tomorrow. However, 100% rain is forecast.