Saturday, March 5th. Left Sarajevo and B&H for Croatia (again). Passed by the stadium that opened and closed the 1984 Olympics. Unimpressive in itself, but brought back fine memories of a happier time. The dorms used by the competitors had seen happier days, but Damir says they are occupied.
The drive gradually brought us from mountains to plains, which was surprising to me. I assumed that Balkins was all mountains. Had lunch in a “Museum” tavern. They rented tiny cabins, complete with front “porches”, along a very brown stream. I was chosen to be king. Small “yeah”. Food was excellent. Proprietor was very entertaining.
Visited a department store that had a kitchen’s sink collection of items. Some things were familiar, some things not. Border crossing was slow, as usual.
Small town near the old border with the former Ottoman Empire had large church, impressively decorated. Excellent rendition of the Last Supper.
Our lodgings in Karanac was in a Farming “Museum”. Wonderful and fun guests. Learned how to make civilized cheese, as opposed to Mongolian cheese-in-a-tent. Home-Hosted dinner was with a couple who spoke no English, so we had a translator who occassionally gave his opinions before turning to the hosts. His views were enlightening. Husband is a huge Golden State Warriors fan. I gave him a Spurs t-shirt, someone else gave him a Lakers cap. I don’t think either will sway his support for the Warriors.
I’m trying a new thing. The photos are “Thumbnails”. Click on then for a larger view.

King Doug I
You’re going to be tough to live with.