Departed on time to Coimbra. During the short walk through downtown, one person misunderstood the “return to bus” time and was left behind to be found by the third bus. Not heartless; reservations to visit the library was fixed. Everyone on the bus endorsed the action, even her friend. It all worked out.
The university is not unlike others, to include some strange traditions. The library (no photos, though the outer room provides a hint) is incredible. Like stepping into Hogwarts. Students sell pencils.
Lunch was very good with live entertainment. The remaining ride was uneventful, though the drive down to the waterfront is crazy narrow.
Check-in is a non event. Fast and easy. We were upgraded from the lower deck. Friends were moved from the lower deck to the top! About 60 passengers, including some singles, a first in my experience.
Dinner was wonderful (no Surprise), all while taking a short cruise. Ordered a bottle of 2014, but it came out as a 2018. They waived the cost, then gave us a second bottle, again gratis. The bartender is exceptional. Wonderful service. The pluses of the day made us all forget the four hour bus ride.