Monday, Feb 10. Last full day of safari drives. We observed lots of wildlife, but the medium high point was the hippos while the high high point was the elephants. The day before I’d mentioned that it would be good to stop moving on whenever the cameras stopped clicking. Our encounter with the elephants was the perfect opportunity to put my wish into practice.
Wild cate dashed out of some tall grass that we were driving through. I doubt we’d have seen it otherwise. Hyenas were a surprise. Everyone though they only surfaced at night. A family of ostriches were a treat. Birds harassing an eagle was fun to watch. It would raid a nest with birds flocking all over. Eventually the eagle abandoned the effort. Mongoose occupying an abandoned termite hill.
Large pod of hippos. One came out and headed to a grove to beat the sun(?). We weren’t aware that hippos hid in the bushes. Made restroom stops a little more exciting.
The herd of elephants was a three ring circus. Things were going on everywhere. A dispute between two. Several playing in the river. At one point a very large elephant broke up the pool play, chasing them all out. Then it rolled around in the same spot. But the hands-down coolest spectacle were the babies. There were two that were well under a year old. One fearlessly crossed the river with her far larger elders. We were concerned for her safety. At times it was clear that the adults were shielding them from us. A great morning.
The PM and last safari was largely disappointing, the guide trying to find us a leopard. Dinner was another farewell occasion, complete with bonfire. In 90 degree heat, made no sense to me. I was getting mauled by mosquitos, so I left early.
Tomorrow we head to Victoria Falls. Two days to go.
Wild Cat Hyena A pod of hippos. This only shows half the number in the pool. What’s hiding in that bush? Insanely cute. Daddy, Mommy, and Children