Monday, 10/21. A hike that passed a beautiful waterfall and series of rapids. Rainbow mist. I took it easy and didn’t get all the way to the end of the trail. Listened to the mountains (“The Hills are alive”, etc). Listened to a companion who also took it easy. Knew I enjoyed silence, but human nature being what it is, talked. Fun really. Movies, books, etc. Nice morning. Another box lunch that I passed on completely. Had a Powerbar.
Afternoon had a horseback ride. Scary-looking leader with a 12 inch knife behind his back. Rode through swamps and a small creek. Just beautiful surroundings.
Not a busy day, but a very satisfying one.
I’m proud of this photo. The mountain on the left is lit with reflected sunlight off the clouds. Duh. I like the shadow against the grey rock face. Sign about strong winds. Oops. Our horse whisperer.