Monday, 5/13. Bus tour included 45 minutes in a traffic jam. Could have walked to the destination in 30. So-so tour overall. After lunch we had a fun walk across the lower portion of an Eiffel inspired bridge, followed by a funicular ride on a contraption that adjusted the car’s horizontal to the angle of slope. It looked much like an accordion.
Walked around the shopping area, buying a few small items. Nice sign: “The husband is the best person to tell a secret. He’ll never tell because he wasn’t listening.” Then walked back across the same bridge on the upper level. (The lower and upper are about 150 feet apart.) Then a cable car back to sea level.
The evening included a long anticipated tour and tasting at Graham’s Port Lodge. Very educational. The tasting included ports that even Yoriko liked which was a breakthrough. Dinner was fantastic. Yoriko had some kind of octopus, while I had ox tail stew. Bought some port, including a bottle for a friend that way exceeded my price line. It was a fun experience.
At evening’s end we attended a good lecture on the Portuguese period of exploration. Overall, it was a good day.
Sunrise by myself. Passengers are sleepyheads. On the wall of the train station. Henry the Navigator winning an unimportant battle to prove his courage. J.R. Rowling taught school in Porto. Legend has it that she first imagined the Harry Potter saga in this Cafe. The Atlantic. A traditional port carrying boat. Out of service except for an annual regatta in June. Lower and upper bridge spans. Upper is a light rail line. Cruise ship passing underneath. Large sculpture. A matching man’s cowardly face is next to it. View from cable car. Port aging since 1935. The two below are aging from 1882. 600 Euro will get you a glass. If you have to ask how much, don’t ask. View at dinner.
Wish I’d given you a port request.