Friday, 3/8. Uneventful flights. Landed at a tiny island which was occupied and used by the US Army as an airfield during WWII to protect the approaches to the Panama Canal. Ecuador politely asked the Army to get out in 1949. As is typical, the Army left it an environmental mess. Fortunately, they didn’t touch any other island.
Ferried across to Santa Cruz Island. Visited a farmer who makes more money offering access to land tortoises than cattle raising. Great time watching some tortoises actually move. Walked through a volcanic tunnel.
Hotel for lunch. Sea lions, iguanas, crabs, pelicans, etc. were part of the [very closeup] view. Fearless animals. Very nice little small town. Daily pickup volley ball games. Lots of shops. Cheap drinks. Very hot and humid (duh).
We board ship tomorrow. No wifi for three nights. Bye.
Drive across the island. 97% of the Galapagos is National Park. Roberto. Born on the islands. Just fooling around. They do swim! Main Street. Made of cigarette butts. Anti-smoking/littering campaign.