Monday, 02/18: Driving around the city’s center. Stopped at a lookout point, the government area, cemetery, then markets. Took wonderful cable car rides. What walking we did during the tour was thankfully downhill. Markets included fruit stands with some great exotic samples. Intricate methods for slicing pineapple skins diagonally. Witch market was small and weird. Take a Llama fetus, dry it out, then bury it under your garden for luck. No thanks. Beautifully handcrafted ten-string small guitars.
Lunch was spaghetti with oil sauce. Soy oil? Delicious.
Afternoon was free time. Rather than wisely go back to the hotel and rest, I tagged along with some serious shoppers. Serious slow shoppers. Ended up heading uphill to look for a specific art gallery. Ugh. It was better tourist activity than sleeping through the afternoon, but exhausting. Turned out useful for them that I tagged along because only I knew the way back. Bought a bottle of Bolivian wine.
Perhaps the least favorite soccer stadium for visitors. 12,000 feet up. Pay attention to the clock face and hands. Bolivia still stubbornly has a Navy. Government offices. Pretty. One of the cable cars. Each line has its own color. Cemetery. Families rent a space for 9 years, then have to find somewhere else. Cemetery artwork. Beautiful instruments. If there is a city on Earth without an Irish bar, I haven’t found it. Famous Bolivian artist. Hard to find the gallery. It’s a climb..
So, my guitar is being shipped direct to my house?
You can do it yourself. Haha. The workmanship is marvelous.