Saturday, Oct 27th. Bus transfer from Amsterdam to Mainz/Wiesbaden. Keynotes for Amsterdam was steep steps and cobblestones. Keynotes after one day with the rest of the ship’s passengers appear to be sloooow and late. There are some genuine seniors on board, which I frankly applaud, in spite of their speed. I’ll be them in 20 (10?) years. Nice bus, excellent roads. interesting scenery.
Cologne lunch was beer and some food. It was okay, but not Viking-worthy. Walking tour was extremely good. Guide was fun and funny. The city deserves far more than two hours. Cathedral was hard to grasp. Enormous. Needs a power wash in the worst way. Guide said he had never seen it without some scaffolding. Reminiscent of roads in LA.
Bus to Mainz was quick. Arrived in total darkness. Our group of eight is finally together. After arrival, we repositioned to Wiesbaden from Mainz. Tomorrow we do a walking tour of Mainz, then free time.
Crew was everything I expect from Viking. Just wonderful. Meal was excellent. Desert addition (melted chocolate cake!) done without hesitation. Bar service proactive (“Your champagne bottle is too warm. I’ll cool it down.”)
We’re in a two room suite; a bribe to get Yoriko to retire. Best part; free laundry service. Second best; all day free wine/beer.
Honestly, the bus ride was as bad as any bus ride. As with water levels, I can’t really fault Viking for it. But everything else as just fine. A great start.
One of the more interesting bikes in Amsterdam. Urinal with a TV! Seriously: Huh? Rebuilt homes in Cologne. Looks like a cartoon. Two characters in Cologne. Totally fictional creation. Rub noses for good luck. More Cologne humor. Some proprietor simply thought it would be funny. Cologne seems to be about having fun. Ancient Roman floor discovered in Cologne. Excellent condition for being 1,800 years-old. Window in Cathedral. Dom Cathedral. 500 feet tall. Very busy architecture.