Wednesday and Thursday, 5/6 Sep: Two fairly boring days. I’m now in Bend, Oregon. Yesterday I drove through the smoke from a major fire in the Sierra Nevadas that closed part of US395. Today I drove through the smoke of an even bigger fire that closed part of Interstate 5. Several truckers abandoned their rigs to escape the fire. National news. BTW, I was in parts of Nevada and Oregon when I experienced the smoke. Fires are not just individual state problems.
Spent last night in Susanville, CA. I had no idea that it is otherwise known as “Prison Town, USA” (on PBS). Inmates at three prisons make up over a third of the population (yes, they are included in the census). Half of the non-institutionalized adult population work at the prisons. The things I learn on my trips. The sub shop has an “Inmate Special”. Get a sub, walk out without paying, become an inmate.

Smoke from the fire.

This was posted in a very small town between two long straight stretches of road (track?). I can imagine the problem.


Ranch art.

Mt. Shasta in the distance.