Our Captain. Funny guy. Great English. During the Nepal off-season, he does rafting tours in Japan!

River Rafting.

Rapids. Sort of.

There were at least nine footbridges over the river. Note the motorcycle!

My “tent” at the rafting camp. Killer humidity.

Cute dog.

River view.

Blowing bubbles out of a plant stem.

We ferried a woman across the river. Good deed for the day.

Saved a butterfly from the water. Once it dried out, it flew away.

Our bus. It must have really good springs.

Ox ride. Did one in Cambodia. This one was better, but it was still hot. Smoother ride than the bus.

Drying seeds. The “girl” is a mother!

On the pool patio. The elephant did No. 1. Fortunately, it flowed away from the pool

There were a lot of tractors picking up river stones, to be sold.

Shovel. Fell several hundred feet down the cliff.

Notice that the one on the right is wood. Very old wood.

Bridge being built over the river. We walked around while the boat captains floated down.
Fantastic pictures. Can you still call it a footbridge if a motorcycle is on it?