Mon, 4/30. No pictures. Trip to Hong Kong Airport was just Jacky and I, who was heading home for a week before doing it all over again. Got to vent a little about the man on the tour who should have been sent home on day 1. Walked about .5 MPH. Seriously. Other, more kindly members of the tour group supported letting him stay, though many later regretted their support. They should not have even had a vote. Brochure stressed fitness as a requirement. I won’t officially complain to Overseas Adventure Travel (it would impact Jacky, who was great otherwise), but I enjoyed venting directly to Jacky.
Hong Kong Airport is a monster badly in need of a tram. Flight via Bangkok was fine. Doesn’t count as a visit to Thailand. Pretty airport though.
Arrived Siem Reap after dark. Sign at customs reads “Children are not tourist attractions.” Warns against giving $$ to scams professing to support orphanages. Cambodia is a deep third-world country with one magnificent tourist spot. Rath, my tour leader, speaks excellent English. I asked for an ATM to get Cambodian currency and it spit out a $100 US bill. Huh? Rath says, “Oh, everyone takes US money here”. The lesson cost me a $5 transaction fee.
Hotel is terrific. Big room. Excellent AC. Used the pool and the fitness center. Downside is mosquitos, which I failed to prepare for right away. Had a beer for $3 (no tip). A shot of Bourbon is $5. Restaurant menu looks to be a copy of my favorite Thai restaurant. I suppose I’ll spend some time touring, in among eating and drinking. It’ll be 91 degrees tomorrow.
The heat. ugh. But I can’t wait to learn about Cambodia, people rave about it. Maybe it is the beer and the food though!