Thursday morning (00:30) I depart on a massive bucket list completion project (BLCP). This is composed of two major Overseas Adventure Travel tours (China and Nepal) with three post and pre extension tours (more China, Cambodia, and Bhutan), plus a one day layover in India. About 52 days in all. Yoriko stays home to work on her garden and work at a job she enjoys.
China has censures, but I believe I’ve got a workaround that will let me keep this blog up. My travels in China will be extensive. 6,200 miles in air, train and boat travel.
Why am I doing this? Because I can’t sing or dance. (From the movie “Rocky”.) Because I don’t know what’s there. (From my Dad.) Because meeting new people is fascinating. (From my Mom.)
Safe travels. Every day is a new experience. How cool.