Monday, February 12. Exercised. Waded into the unheated pool. Bone-chilling. Hotel had two camels! My first view of African camels. Leaving our large bags on the bus, we departed for the Sahara in four 4x4s. First stop was a fossil factory/showroom. Fascinating display of sliced rocks filled with marine fossils. They convert some to furniture or small souvenirs, others into artwork. I bought nothing.
Next we stopped briefly at ancient ruins from 800 AD. Not much left. Drove on.
In the distance were large sand dunes. We soon after took off across the desert, avoiding the occasional smallish dunes. Bumps, Mongolia sized. Our camp was about 2 miles from the massive mountains of sand, with smaller dunes in between. The tents were simple in design, though each had a massive bed, toilet and shower! With power. No wifi. Lunch was burger and fries, with Ben stuffing the fries in the bread. I took a very leisurely hike into the dunes, getting passed by three camels. Marvelous feeling to be alone (somewhat) in the Sahara.
Later we visited some nomads, comprised mostly of women, including some who looked like teenagers but were actually in their twenties. Two had babies on their back, covered with blankets. As with Mongolians, they had solar power, a car battery, and a cell phone. Discovered how they took showers. Had tea. Hurt my knee (again) crawling into the low tent. Forgot my balloons!!
Next was sunset at Ben’s favorite perch. Truly outstanding, with a nice building in the picture. Group pictures. It got quite cold very quickly.
Dinner included a lesson on how to cook a meal with a tagine. Recorded the process for future use at home. Great meal.
The stars came out with no moon. Wonderful view. I had a star viewing app which helped everyone learn what was what.
Great day.

Our ride.

Cutting rock is dirty work.

The camp.

Small room, no heat, but nice enough. Solar power, so no ugly power lines. Solar heated hot water.

Just about the only wildlife were these little bugs.


The two girls (women?) in the foreground are each carrying a baby on their backs. Spiderman blanket!

Their shower. Wrap a blanket around the poles, pour water.

Obligatory tea. The pour is from a height to produce foam.