Thursday, September 14. As we were boarding, the ship was emptying out of a special gay cruise. The taxi stand line ran for several hundred yards, all guys. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it was unusual.
They didn’t have a card for Yoriko, which delayed our boarding and caused minor problems for the first few days because the newly minted card wasn’t programmed right. Our room was on the stern, a luxury I’d wanted to try out and won’t repeat. Not that special. We were also anticipating hor d’oeuvres each day, which turned out to be a few olives and some cheese. Overall, the ship left me disappointed, though I can’t put my finger on any one annoyance. It just felt off.

Our ship is on the left.

Our room is immediately below the flagstaff.

A refrigerated bar top! Frost.

After you buy them, they used 12 cocktail shakers to poor 12 cocktails at once. Very impressive.