Friday, 21 July. Flew in the very early morning to northwest Mongolia, close to the Russian border. Very small airport. We loaded into three very sturdy vans, each with a foreboding snorkel exhaust, meant to be used when traversing deep water. Turns out we never needed them.
A long drive began with a very nice, very new road. But we soon went off onto a rutted side road which was the type of travel we experienced for much of our remaining stay. Drove around a beautiful salt lake to a very ancient cemetery. We visited perhaps the cleanest outhouse in Mongolia in a totally barren landscape.
After passing through a very small town we bounced and bumped for several miles over (through?) monster ruts to our lakeside ger camp. Breathtaking blues. Cattle and horses lazily strolling along the lake. Made a short climb to a beautiful lookout spot.