Wednesday, 22 Feb. Walked by the new government office building, which looks like an upright turbine. Wellington is full of abstract art and this building is no exception.
Spent most of the ferry ride talking with folks from Colorado, swapping stories. They’d done a European river cruise that I’m doing next year. It’s a small world. The ferry was different. Had a movie theater!
Stopped at a few wineries, including Cloudy Bay, which is common in the USA. Very, very posh. The pourer was from LA, which was a bit of a letdown. She certainly knew her wine though. Very nice time.
The road I’m taking is the alternate to the coast highway 1, which still has a closed section from the 2011 earthquake. This road was not meant for so much traffic, though the authorities are doing a thorough job of keeping it in good shape. This means there’s a lot of work going on. I had to stop at least a half dozen times for one-way traffic. My overnight stop, and B&B, was the only place I could get a reservation, and it’s quite a place. The quality is totally lost on me, but I had very pleasant conversations with the other lodgers. The host was out of his head with shock that I wouldn’t stay for the second B, but I needed to get back on the road. Tomorrow I have to be in Christchurch to prepare for an early morning flight Friday to Fiji. Road conditions are a concern.

From yesterday. Sushi, NZ style.

This monstrosity is the secondary city office building, sitting next to their 100+ year old building. Just awful.

Cloudy Bay truck.

Vineyard and backdrop.