Friday, 10 Feb. Found more colorful street art. Saw more results from the devastating earthquake. Visited “The Museum”. At least that’s how everyone refers to it. Very nice. Visited the Botanical Garden, which had an amazing meadow surrounded by very large trees from throughout the world. It was fascinating to consider the genius who, decades ago, thought to plant the saplings.
In the afternoon I did a wine tour. Four places with varying results. The third one had wines that tasted incredibly similar to California wines. Honestly, after the first two wineries, it was kind of disappointing. (I can’t believe I just wrote that.) The drive was great.
Had pizza with lamb topping. Excellent. Back was sore from all the walking, so I passed on another night of bar hopping.

It’s worth noting that the reinforcing structure was installed after the first earthquake. The damage came from the second one.

The only problem with this statue is . . . .

It’s not there.

I don’t know.

A Tree Museum.

Outdoor church


The most beautiful street in New Zealand. Or so they say.