Thursday, 8 September.
My high school is gone! Torn down. It was a pretty building.
A museum attraction called Erie Canal Village was created decades ago. My parents contributed an old building to the cause. Moving it across town was a big event. The Village grew to be truly village-sized, but now, sadly, it’s a ghost town. What makes it especially disappointing is that the Erie Canal was begun in 1817 in Rome. In 1967 the town had a large sesquicentennial celebration, without any Canal Village. Now that the bicentennial is just around the corner, I’d assumed there would be an even larger event. But with the Village in total decay, I guess not.
Also in my hometown is the grave of Francis Bellamy, author if the Pledge of Allegiance. It’s nicely maintained in the city cemetery, which is a pretty nice one, as cemeteries go. I’d never noticed before.
Lastly, in the 1960’s, largely thanks to Senator Robert Kennedy, a recreation of a revolutionary-era fort was built: Fort Stanwix. I’ve visited about a dozen forts this year, so I can speak with some knowledge that this one is a winner. People are dressed in period clothing, there is an education center with multiple movies, and the fort itself is excellent. Anyone interested in the era should make plans to visit.
The drive to Chestertown to see my brother was fun, but not extraordinary. Some of the road curves that once excited the nerves are hoo hum on a bike. Along the way I noticed that the only establishment I ever worked at that didn’t begin with “U.S. Navy” is gone. No great loss.

This is a post office, far from any water. I don’t know why it has a light house.

The white house was donated by my parents to the Canal Village. Falling apart. Sad.

The Canal barge also falling apart.

Fort Bull was used the French and Indian War. It was just a piece of land with a gulley (moat) around it. Could find rifle balls there when I was young.

It’s interesting to me that Bellamy was a minister, yet he didn’t put “under God” in the Pledge. Congress did.

The view of Fort Stanwix as it would have been seen from the swamp.

My first childhood house. It’s much prettier today, though it’s 66(?) years old.

My second childhood house. When we went by it on the school bus everyone considered it haunted. Then my dad bought it! Built around 1872. Museums in the west brag about their buildings being built in 1880s. I yawn.

Before California became the place to go, people in New York City went north.

The wind would really make these dinky little things sway.