Wednesday, 14 September. Threat of rain.
The plan was to make a quick ride to Prince Edward Island to beat approaching rain. A short detour to the Bay of Fundy National Park. The Park was shrouded in fog and cold. It was simpler than I remember and I drove its length quickly. Not much of a view. The small town of Alma was also disappointing. Unfortunately I’d arrived just at high tide, so the ocean was going nowhere. I got the sense that, as with Alaska in May, there was a definite tourist season that I was missing.
The drive from Alma seemed to promise nothing exciting, but by following a few signs I struck gold. Tasted blueberry wine. The “unoaked” brand was best. We had a good discussion about the horrible avocado wine I tried in southern Florida.
Cape Enrage was true to its name. The tide was going out and the waves just seemed to be stationary. It gave the impression that something was wrong in the world. The overcast skies and very strong winds gave it a realistic tone of anger. A tiny lighthouse that only blinked “Danger” and a small but different gift shop. Ziplines! The drive in and out had great views of flat flood plains bordered by high hills.
Further on was a well maintained memorial of an old and now nonexistent shipyard. They’d built the outline of a old ship. It was difficult to imagine a shipyard in the windswept river/tidal pool. A flood control dike changed the terrain.
The rest of the drive was fast and unspectacular, though a high crosswind made it a little too exciting and I was getting hit by little bits of rain. The “Confederation” Bridge to Prince Edward Island is long and only two lanes, but fortunately the wind was from behind. $17 toll charge, which I guess they’ll mail to me. I had to drive across the island to reach my lodging. The island produces 25% of all potatoes in Canada. The smell was not unlike Iowa’s. Fertilizer.
Over two years ago this crazy idea to touch four corners of the continent on a motorcycle formed in my head. Success, sort of. I’ve still got to get home.

Odd. Seems to honor first Canadian woman to get a Captain’s license. Takes a bit to get to that point.

Blueberry wine. No grapes used. Bought a bottle.

The view from Waterside Winery.

Interesting fake chimney.

Not a very helpful warning.

It looks like a ship. . .

. . . But it’s not.

The Petitcodiac River experiences a “Bore” twice a day. A tidal surge, 8 MPH and 3 feet high. Its nickname is The Chocolate River.