Saturday, 27 August. Boring drive. No pictures. Three pictures from yesterday at the Minuteman Control Center.
Rain in the morning. Slept a little after breakfast. Departed 9. Felt out of sorts, so after 75 miles I went to a McDonalds for 90 minutes. Rain stopped, road dried out. Better.
Discovered Austin, MN. Didn’t know existed. Went in search of Austin t-shirts, found Austin Bruins Hockey. North American Hockey League. (The high school’s team name is Packers.) Bought some shirts. It was the high point of the day.
Stopped after only 260 miles in La Crosse, WI. Not only did I cross the Mississippi, but I also crossed the track I took from Florida to Alaska last April. (By about 50 yards.) Tomorrow I visit Green Bay. I’m about 200 miles ahead of my planned itinerary.
There were numerous wind farms in view today. Wild ramblings while I drove:
- Many of the wind turbines were in fields of corn destined for ethanol. There’s some kind of irony in that. One can only imagine the meeting between wind “farmers” and actual farmers to discuss leasing fees.
- I bet it’s already happened, but I haven’t seen any graffiti on a tower yet.
- Corporate sponsors? These things can be giant billboards.
- Or, war memorials. Names of fallen soldiers written on the towers.
- They’re all white. When will someone get adventurous and use colors? Barber poll? Life Savers?
- We need sculpted towers. A replica of the Statue of Liberty? Rocky, holding up two turbines? A baseball bat shaped tower?
- These towers are huge. Need a SciFi storyline that makes use of them as living spaces. Either before or after technology fails. About 20 floors? “Wind Farm Apartments.” The spinning blades can be engaged to mechanically lift elevators. No wind, you climb.
Saw a huge number of Gold Wings today, going west. Almost all were hauling trailers. Must be a rally somewhere. La Crosse is hosting a fishing competition for teenagers. Boats are in the parking lot. I mean no offense to any fishing fans, but a $60,000 boat to catch something you can buy at the grocery store? I talked to a couple last night. The husband goes fishing on Sundays, the wife watches football. To each their own, which is what freedom is all about.
Doesn’t need to be mentioned, but the couple managing the hotel last night in Sibley, Iowa, were from India. They and everyone else I’ve met on this trip have been extremely friendly. This is a great country.

The entry. They got their own gas pump. No cameras were used to watch the area. The fence and such didn’t need to be too secure. This was a shoot without warning type facility.

The door weighs 16,000 lbs. The two officers would go in and close it. For the cook (living topside) to deliver meals required a 30 minute security routine.

This was the entire space. For 24 hours, just the two of them. One bed for napping. The toilet had a curtain around it.